Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Classic City Classic 2010 Follow-Up

CCC was the first tournament of the 2010-2011 season for the Hodawgs. Unlike Chattanooga last year, Athens, GA (home of the #1 party school- whoo whoo!) was host to beautiful t-shirt weather all weekend. Even with only one day's of practice as a team under our belt, the Ho's still managed to win three games and put up some intense fights against great opponents.

Congratulations to UNC-W on winning the tournament. Shout out to the Tufts girls who were a blast to host at our apartment (Alicia, Emily, and Julia) and play against twice. Before they left on their epic journey back to Boston, they even gave us toilet paper and beer. Best guests ever....?

Tourney Results

Hodawgs Results
UGA vs. UNC 6-13
UGA vs. Tufts 5-13
UGA vs. Clemson 13-4
UGA vs. Virginia 10-13

UGA vs. GA Southern 13-6
UGA vs. Tufts (again haha) 4-13
UGA vs. GA Tech 13-4

- Plenty of flannel shirts
- Emily's layout catch for Julia's misread, which Julia immediately followed up with a sweet layout in the endzone for Emily
- Alicia's layout while toe-ing the line for a huck from Lane- buddies what what!
- Little Baby Hannah Leathers' layout catch- see video below
- Alicia hand-blocked the same girl twice (sorry dude....)
- Lots of sick dump-denying defense all around
- Great zone defense as well, especially from the rookies
- Numerous awesome hucks by MargieQuinn, Ally, Alicia, and LL, Lane, and others
- Rookie Katie Frachot's epic cowboy-ninja-bear win against a GA Tech rookie (see the end of this video:
- Superb handling by Courtney, Erin, Ally, and Belle
- Corinne's awesome lefty breaks
- Margie's callahan!
- Erin and Ann's many many run-throw D's
- Rookie Melissa Merrill played on a torn meniscus (for which we had surgery the next week, what a G)
- Robin's nasty endzone catch despite being covered by two defenders

- Following a sick D in the zone, rookie Anraya Palmer tore her ACL :'(

Videos for your viewing pleasure/embarrassment
1. Pre-game huddle and cheer. Corinne, wtf?

2. Hannah lookin cute, Julia not paying attention, two fouls and some strategic cheating by Tech...?

3. Margie being... special...

4. video

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